Clinical Validation of a High-Throughput Biodosimetry Diagnostic Test

ASELL is a leader in the development of in vitro diagnostics for biodosimetry. ASELL has been developing the CytoRADx™ System, a high-throughput biodosimetry diagnostic test, to increase national preparedness to respond to a mass-casualty radiological or nuclear incident. An essential requirement of this program is to secure FDA authorization, which will enable use of this diagnostic in laboratories throughout the United States. A key part of securing any FDA authorization is a comprehensive validation program.

ASELL’s Chief Scientist, Dr. Richard Kowalski, was invited to speak at the 70th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society in Tucson, Arizona where he highlighted key elements of recently completed validation studies for the CytoRADx System.

To learn more, click the link below to view and download his presentation, “Analytical and Clinical Validation of a Cytogenetic Biodosimetry System.”

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