9th Biennial Radiation Injury Treatment Network Workshop

The Radiation Injury Treatment Network (RITN) is a national network of medical centers with expertise in the management of bone marrow failure and will play an important role in the response to a large-scale nuclear incident. RITN partners with government and non-governmental organizations to develop and exercise guidelines and standardized procedures.  RITN recently hosted a workshop attended by the medical community, emergency managers, research scientists, federal agency staff and others involved in radiation preparedness. This workshop, “Creating a Unified Understanding of Radiological/Nuclear Preparedness” , focused on raising awareness to the current and emerging emergency response capabilities.

Dr Richard Kowalski, ASELL’s Chief Scientist, was invited to present the triage and confirmatory biodosimetry diagnostic tools ASELL is developing. Dr Kowalski discussed how these and other technologies will augment the existing response framework and enhance the US capability to effectively manage the medical response to a large-scale nuclear incident. To learn more, click the link below to view and download his presentation, “Qualitative and Quantitative Biodosimetry Diagnostics for Response to a Radiation/Nuclear Event.”

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